Friday, January 19, 2018

Cruising Association Lobster Pots highlights

New video highlights Cruising Association Lobster Pots Campaign

by Peta Stuart-Hunt 19 Jan 18:36 UTC

Cruising Association Lobster Pots Campaign © The Cruising Association

The Cruising Association (CA) has just released a video highlighting the dangers of entanglement with lobster pots as part of its campaign for better marking of static fishing gear.

Introduced by Tom Cunliffe, the video features two experienced yachtsmen describing their frightening encounters: Norman Kean whilst researching updates for Irish pilot books and Steve Williams whilst racing off Anglesey.

The campaign has clearly hit a nerve with the boating public. The CA has received an enormous response from people around the UK and worldwide telling of their experiences with unmarked pots and static fishing gear. More than 6,000 people have signed a petition posted by the CA on the government website calling for consultation with all interested parties on how to address this hazard and make navigation safer for everyone on the water.

The petition is still live and will remain so until the closing date of 12th March.

The CA feels that it is time for everybody with an interest in boating to work together to find a solution, particularly one that is affordable and practical for our fishermen.

See the petition here.

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