Friday, February 9, 2018

I thank my friend Jeremy Wittich for letting me use his on occasion while my w…

JDR Productions says: I thank my friend Jeremy Wittich for letting me use his #soloskiff on occasion while my #BTMosquito was in the works. All of us skinny water fly anglers undoubtedly dream of the unicorn multi-passenger skiff that will run dry in the heaviest of chop, pole straight as an arrow into a 15mph cross wind (NO hull slap allowed), get up and run in sub-7” of water, pole in 3”, and let the good tunes play on the speakers when you’re a few beers deep on a day when you need to celebrate an epic outing on the run home. Such a skiff does not exist today. The Soloskiff fills a niche of the skinniest draft (2.5”) I’ve experienced on a watercraft that will motor you around safely within a 15mi diameter on any given day and pole into the most shallow water possible holding gamefish. You’re not going to stay dry in chop, but you’re going to feel like you rode a bull or wakeboarded on a lake with traffic. 😜 It has all the feels. Raw. Real. Badass. It’s one hell of a fun skiff to flyfish in areas where others will never get their multi-person technical poling skiffs. The downside is that you’re range is limited, you’re going to get wet, and you’re fishing solo…so you had better get your videography skills in tact or no-one will believe your big fish tales. It’s an impressive design, and it poles well despite some hull slap. No skiff is perfect and every builder has new ideas, good or bad. I’m in the process of introducing a 2-3” draft device to the Texas waters that will be used on our rare, sub 6knot days when water levels are silly low…just need to work out some kinks. It, like anything else, will have limitations and it will be a very specialized tool but I hope it will be a tool that satisfies certain conditions no other watercraft will. Until then, there’s days I miss my old #customgheenoe LT25 and it’s super skinny draft that no center console poling skiff can match. -but I’m also very happy with a dry ride and the silent hull and fine design of my #BTMosquito that shines when those elusive redfish ram their head into the boat before I see them in 6” of muddy bottom. #FirstWorldChallenges #SkiffEngineering #Innovate #UnicornSkiff #OneStepCloserToWorldPeace

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July 15, 2017

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